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iPhone真的狂 用來拍雜誌封面也沒問題

2017/09/29 編輯 /


Images & Information:courtesy of Time、Instagram、IPPAWARDS 

《時代雜誌》近期進行一系列取名為「FIRSTS」的特刊企劃,邀請巴西女攝影師Luisa Dörr為多位對於世界有極大影響力的女性拍攝封面照與內頁。這項企畫最厲害的部分在於,許多照片(尤其是12組封面照),都不是透過專業單眼相機,而是藉由iPhone所拍攝而成。其實這次掌鏡的Luisa Dörr就是以使用iPhone為主要拍攝道具著稱,這也引起《時代雜誌》編輯的注意並促成合作。

For the ones asking about my editing software, I’m using Snapseed, a free app from Google. The phone is an iphone 7plus. And nope, I’m not being paid by Apple. Tools are just a medium. They help in the process, but they don’t create. What makes the difference is the one holding the tool, and the relation she/he establishes with photography, as a medium, and not as a finality. A debate around the technicalities, keeps you away from the real experience. There will be always apocalyptic and integrated people; one complaining about the old good times when everybody was shooting Daguerrotypes, the others enjoying the ride, sublimating life trough photography, with whatever tool is available. Thanks to absolutely all of you for your wonderful comments, they are essential to keep going. Obrigada! . (Behind the scenes with. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley).

Luisa Dörr(@luisadorr)分享的貼文 於 張貼

攝影師Luisa表示這次的特刊企劃歷時一年,運用iPhone 5/6/6s Plus/7等手機拍攝。封面部分都只仰賴自然光,偶而使用反光板增加效果,打造出簡約畫面,也免去攜帶大量器材的負擔;同時這樣的拍攝方式,也讓被拍攝者較能放下防備心、減少緊張感,因此能拍攝出較為自然的表情。但未來iPhone真能取代單眼相機,成為媒體從業人員的標配嗎?這還有待商榷。

@selenagomez Is the first person to reach 100 million followers on Instagram. #sheisthefirst @time

Luisa Dörr(@luisadorr)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) is a trailblazer and a tastemaker and the most followed person on Instagram. #sheisthefirst @time

Luisa Dörr(@luisadorr)分享的貼文 於 張貼

其實,iPhone能拍攝出專業的畫面早已不是新鮮事,從IPPAWARDS所舉辦的iPhone Photography Awards攝影比賽中,就能看到不少攝影師使用iPhone、iPad甚至是iPod touch所拍攝驚人作品。這些得獎作品如果說是用智慧型手機所拍攝的,可能很多人都是不相信。 


PPAWARDS舉辦iPhone Photography Awards攝影比賽2017年度大獎由美國攝影師Sebastiano Tomada以iPhone 6s拍攝的作品奪下。