Home > 酒吧 - 2020世界百大最佳酒吧榜單揭曉!臺灣五間酒吧大放異彩於國際間


2020/11/07 編輯 /

2020年世界100大最佳酒吧名單(The World’s Best Bar)已正式出爐!這回臺灣分別有Indulge Bistro以及Room by Le Kief兩家躋身50大行列,而AHA Saloon、Bar Mood以及Draft Land也緊追在後,好不熱鬧!且讓我們來看是哪幾家酒吧為臺灣爭光,以及完整得獎名單。


延續今年五月發布的「亞洲50大酒吧 Asia's 50 Best Bars」名單,這次獲選的「世界50大酒吧 World's 50 Best Bars」揭曉後,才發現台灣酒吧的強悍與生命力。兩間入選世界前50最強酒吧,分別為第43名的【Indulge Bistro】以極具創意的台灣食材與意象,打造出的國際級美食美酒饗宴十分精彩!風格前衛,獲得第46名的【Room by Le Kief】以及具巧思的調酒,每款酒如同觀賞劇場般極富創意,一款又一款獨一無二的作品,值得各位來品嚐。

此外先前入選過亞洲五十大,這次還是有入圍到世界百大的酒吧,則為得到第56名【AHA Saloon】由冠軍調酒師尹德凱打造的復古風格,加上對老搖滾樂、黑膠唱片等如數家珍,每款酒如同響亮的樂曲,帶你走回美好年代;第81名的【Bar Mood】向來以大膽的實驗性及創造力聞名,空間、餐點搭配九種豐富多元;第93名的【Draft Land】絕對生猛有力,自然開放的立飲空間,雞尾酒依照比例拆分,自由汲取調配,像是英式看球賽的啤酒吧,讓喝酒這件事情更有趣味。五間入選的酒吧都各有特色,充分展現台灣酒吧文化富有活力的一面。

第43名:Indulge Bistro

地址: 106台北市大安區復興南路一段219巷11號


一~四、日 11:30-17:00、18:00-02:00

五、六 11:30-17:00、18:00-03:00

Indulge Bistro IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/CHIFwU4HPGk/

第46名:Room by Le Kief

地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段107巷5弄10號1樓

營業時間:四、五、六 19:00-21:30、22:00-02:00

Room by Le Kief IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/CGt643vhP_u/

第56名:AHA Saloon


營業時間:一~日 20:00-02:00

AHA Saloon:https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHeh-nAQy/

第81名:Bar Mood Taipei



一~四、日 18:00-01:00

五、六 18:00-02:00

Bar Mood Taipei IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/B6aUy-EnkzS/

第93名:Draft Land


營業時間:一~日 18:00-01:00

Draft Land IG:https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwJ3d0HeUb/

2020 世界五十大酒吧及百大完整榜單:

1. Connaught Bar:London, UK

2. Dante:New York, USA

3. The Clumsies:Athens, Greece

4. Atlas:Singapore

5. Tayēr + Elementary:London, UK

6. Kwānt:London, UK

7. Florería Atlántico:Buenos Aires, Argentina

8. Coa:Hong Kong

9. Jigger & Pony:Singapore

10. The SG Club:Tokyo, Japan

11. Maybe Sammy:Sydney, Australia

12. Attaboy:New York, USA

13. Nomad Bar:New York, USA

14. Manhattan:Singapore

15. The Old Man:Hong Kong

16. Katana Kitten:New York, USA

17. Licorería Limantour:Mexico City, Mexico

18. Native:Singapore

19. Paradiso:Barcelona, Spain

20. American Bar:London, UK

21. Carnaval:Lima, Peru

22. Salmón Gurú:Madrid, Spain

23. Zuma:Dubai, UAE

24. Little Red Door:Paris, France

25. 1930:Milan, Italy

26. Two Schmucks:Barcelona, Spain

27. El Copitas:St. Petersburg, Russia

28. Cantina OK!:Sydney, Australia

29. Lyaness:London, UK

30. Himkok:Oslo, Norway

31. Baba au Rum:Athens, Greece

32. Panda & Sons:Edinburgh, UK

33. Swift:London, UK

34. Three Sheets:London, UK

35. The Bamboo Bar:Bangkok, Thailand

36. Tjoget:Stockholm, Sweden

37. Buck & Breck:Berlin, Germany

38. Employees Only:New York, USA

39. Bulletin Place:Sydney, Australia

40. Bar Benfiddich:Tokyo, Japan

41. Artesian:London, UK

42. Sober Company:Shanghai, China

43. Indulge Bistro:Taipei, Taiwan

44. Bar Trigona:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

45. Drink Kong:Rome, Italy

46. Room by Le Kief:Taipei, Taiwan

47. Alquímico:Cartagena, Colombia

48. High Five:Tokyo, Japan

49. Charles H:Seoul, Korea

50. Presidente:Buenos Aires, Argentina

51. Scout:London, UK

52. Dr. Stravinsky:Barcelona, Spain

53. No Sleep Club:Singapore

54. Scarfes Bar:London, UK

55. Danico:Paris, France

56. AHA Saloon:Taipei, Taiwan

57. Speak Low:Shanghai, China

58. The Old Man Singapore:Singapore

59. Hanky Panky:Mexico City, Mexico

60. La Factoría:Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

61. The Pontiac:Hong Kong

62. Vesper:Bangkok, Thailand

63. Donovan Bar:London, UK

64. Tippling Club:Singapore

65. Schumann's:Munich, Germany

66. Siete Negronis:Santiago, Chile

67. Galaxy Bar:Dubai, UAE

68. Sub Astor:São Paulo, Brazil

69. Sin + Tax:Johannesburg, South Africa

70. Cafe La Trova:Miami, USA

71. The Dead Rabbit:New York, USA

72. Baltra Bar:Mexico City, Mexico

73. The Everleigh:Melbourne, Australia

74. Pacific Cocktail Haven:San Francisco, USA

75. Cause Effect Cocktail Kitchen:Cape Town, South Africa

76. Rabbit Hole:Bangkok, Thailand

77. Trick Dog:San Francisco, USA

78. Happiness Forgets:London, UK

79. Le Syndicat:Paris, France

80. Byrdi:Melbourne, Australia

81. Bar Mood:Taipei, Taiwan

82. Kumiko:Chicago, USA

83. The Wise King:Hong Kong

84. Above Board:Melbourne, Australia

85. Tres Monos:Buenos Aires, Argentina

86. 28 HongKong Street:Singapore

87. Freni e Frizioni:Rome, Italy

88. Art of Duplicity:Cape Town, South Africa

89. Death & Co:New York, USA

90. Officina Milano:Milan, Italy

91. Sidecar:New Delhi, India

92. Gibson:Singapore

93. Draft Land:Taipei, Taiwan

94. Amor y Amargo:New York, USA

95. Gen Yamamoto:Tokyo, Japan

96. Electric Bing Sutt:Beirut, Lebanon

97. Lost & Found:Nicosia, Cyprus

98. Black Pearl:Melbourne, Australia

99. Bar Raval:Toronto, Canada

100. Bar Trench:Tokyo, Japan

世界50大酒吧得獎名單(The World's 50 Best Bars: The List 2020)

世界百大酒吧得獎名單(The World's 50 Best Bars 2020: the 51-100 List)

Images:courtesy of The World's 50 Best Bars、各酒吧


【微醺時光】五感體驗 BAR MOOD TAIPEI

【微醺時光】INDULGE BISTRO 酒中見台灣

【微醺時光】KOR Taipei的社交時刻